
{The Official} Doll Quilt Swap Blog

Monday, January 30, 2012

Are you Ready?

For Doll Quilt Swap 12, that is!
Signup's went live this morning at midnight, here is the sign up thread.

Guidelines for this round are:
New this round, you need to chose between two forms for signing up. One is for international swapping, you will fill out this form if you are willing to send internationally. The other is for those only wishing to swap within their own country. It doesnt matter what country you live in, just that you dont want to ship outside of it.

There are a few changes this round, hopefully for the better.
There are 5 quilt blocks we have painstakingly chosen (ok, not really, but it sounds good, no?) for this round. You are to chose 1 of the blocks and incorporate it into your quilt. you can make the whole quilt with the one block repeated or use just one of the blocks somewhere in your quilt. You also will be required to include a solid of your chosing in any color OTHER THAN WHITE.This means you shouldnt use shades of white either: cream, sand, off white, antique white, you get the idea. The idea here is to eXpand your creativity. Again you can use as little or as much as you chose, but it must be included.
We have created mosaics for each of the blocks and have put them in the group for your perusal. We think this is a great opportunity to stretch your imagination, think block within a block, or liberated in a whole new way. Have fun!!
As in last round, you need to have a minimum of 6 blocks.

The blocks to chose from are as follows:
1.churn dash/shoofly
2.log cabin
3.drunkards path
4. N.Y. beauty
5.flying geese

SIZE: from 9"x9" to 20"x20"…any size or shape in between.

MATERIALS: natural fibers/cotton, wool, linen

CONSTRUCTION: Pieced, appliquéd, quilted by hand or machine; and bound.

LABEL: It is recommended that you attach a label to the back of your quilt. I know, this can be a bit scary for some people though, so I will not make it a requirement. A label is however a very nice addition to any handmade quilt. Whether or not you decide to label your quilt, please do include a note with your quilt with your name and contact information (URL, blog, email address, etc. so that they can thank you).

SECRET: This will remain a secret swap. Your partner will not know your identity. If you need to get in contact with your partner do so thru your swap parent.

ACTIVITY: Please be sure to check in to the group periodically and check everyone's progress. Post sneak peeks of your WIP, and your completed quilt. Once you have received your quilt, post a pic of it on flickr, and email your thank you to your partner as soon as physically possible. Email or flickrmail your mama to let her know you received.

DUE DATE: The deadline for all quilts to be mailed is April 2, 2012 (international), and April 9, 2012 for those sending nationally . I like to plan on sending mine a week early…just in case life gets in the way and I'm delayed. There is nothing more disappointing than not receiving a package. Also, please email your swap parent when you have mailed your quilt. Delivery confirmation is required, within the U.S.
In addition to having a DEADLINE for sending BY a certain date, we also ask that you NOT SEND TOO EARLY. Part of the fun of this swap is the anticipation, and if you send out within the first month, your partner is essentially done. NO fun. Please SEND OUT NO EARLIER THAN March 15, 2012

COMMUNICATION: If for any reason you cannot met the deadline or you need to drop out of this swap, please let your Swap Mama know as soon as you know. If you communicate any setbacks with us, we can make sure things work out favorably for your partner, no hard feelings.

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